Tim Feldmann Workshop

Join Tim for a fun 2 hours and learn how this challenging sequence can heal and help you in your body and your life. Pattabhi Jois artfully crafted the Primary Series to cleanse our body, purify our nervous system and burn away the delusions of the conditioned mind. The original Vinyasa method (also called ‘placing in a special way’), this thread of unbroken movements, mindful breathing and a defined gazing points, opens us up to experience the meditative mind while building a healthy, flexible and strong body. Discover how many lessons of hope, empowerment and surrender is at our fingertips. All levels are welcome. We will finish this evening with a short talk on the aging ashtangi and Q&A, so bring your questions!

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November 15-17, 2024


Primary Series Led Class – followed by Dharma talk on yoga and aging + Q&A “Just as music without proper pitch and rhythm will not give happiness, yogasana without the observance of vinyasa will not give health.” – Srivatsa Ramaswama

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8-1030am Mysore style Class

Named after the city where Krishnamacharya and Pattabhi Jois developed their yoga method, this is the classic way Ashtanga Yoga is taught. A melting pot of yoga practitioners of all levels from beginner to advanced, this class sets out to offer personalized guidance to every practitioner at exactly where you need it most. Build relationships with yourself, your practice and your teacher in this inspiring energy. Come experience and honor the Ashtanga Yoga’s five thousand year old lineage of teachers, sages and gurus, R. Sharath Jois and every Ashtanga practitioner today.

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Stand Aware – The art of the sun salutations

Come take a dive into what the Surya Namaskaras has to offer to you, body, mind and spirit. In these curious movements lies the seed to the rest of our asana practice. We will look in-depth on every movement in this simple yet profound mala of motion. Experience how these essential movements allows us an entry to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. Learn detailed technique, breath, healthy alignment and ways to approach your Sun Salutes for further strength, flexibility and more. All levels are welcome.

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8-1030am Mysore style Class

Named after the city where Krishnamacharya and Pattabhi Jois developed their yoga method, this is the classic way Ashtanga Yoga is taught. A melting pot of yoga practitioners of all levels from beginner to advanced, this class sets out to offer personalized guidance to every practitioner at exactly where you need it most. Build relationships with yourself, your practice and your teacher in this inspiring energy. Come experience and honor the Ashtanga Yoga’s five thousand year old lineage of teachers, sages and gurus, R. Sharath Jois and every Ashtanga practitioner today.

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Gateway Postures of The Primary Series

(Bhujapidasana, Kurmasana, Supta Kurmasana)

Sometimes we get a bit stuck! Our legs, shoulders or knees won’t go where we want them to and we feel more achy than happy when attempting the higher notes of our practice, also called
the ‘Gateway Postures’ as they serve as indicators that our body has grown ready for a next level. This workshop addresses that issue! Focusing on technique, proper alignment and anatomical insights will help you understand how your body moves and how to
progress to a next level of your aptitude. We set up for a detailed experience of the difficult gateway postures, slowly peeling off the layers that obstruct our view and motion required to find true freedom and power within.
All levels are welcome.

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About Tim Feldmann

Tim is the co-founder of the world-wide recognized Miami Life Center and of the newly opened Miami Yoga Garage – a new ambitious Shala and cultural house in Miami’s fun Wynwood district. He has practiced yoga since 1994 and Ashtanga Since 1999. Authorized to teach by Pattabhi Jois and Sharath Jois he explores core concepts and modern boundaries of Patanjali’s yoga teachings alike. A practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga’s Advanced A Series Tim finds Ashtanga’s traditional method an exceptional path towards healing, wisdom and self-realisation. Drawing upon his past as an internationally successful dancer and acclaimed choreographer, anatomy, alignment and technique is his second nature. Tim has been pursuing in-depth studies of Patanjali, Sankhya and Vedanta over the past 7 years with Vidwan Nagaraja Rao, Jayashree & Narasimha and other exceptional scholars in South India. Cherished worldwide for his fun, disciplined and detailed pursuit of authentic yoga and his compassionately effective touch, Tim travels to yoga shalas around the globe with the inclusive message of how study, steadiness and devotion is the means to powerful transformation both inside and outside of us.

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*Due to the nature of this event, all sales are final. No refunds. You’re welcome to transfer to a friend if you are unable to attend. Thank you for understanding.

Winter Arc Intensive November 3- December 8

My thirteen year old son has really gotten into weightlifting this year. I am so proud of him and am inspired by his discipline. He will wake up early to hit the gym before school and will even stop by after school to get another workout in with friends. He is feeling confident and I can see a big difference in him physically and mentally. He has been talking about going into his “Winter Arc” and it partially makes me giggle because it sounds so trendy, but it also makes me want to do something like that. Do you want to join me? This intensive involves being more consistent with our asana practice, develop mental practices like reading, journaling, chanting, meditating and building a better relationship with ourselves through discipline. This is a month-long intensive that includes unlimited yoga, five semi-private classes and one consultation to make your goals clear and attainable. Let’s make some progress as we head into the holiday months with more clarity and purpose. It takes a village so let’s do this together!

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